Super Seven Double Terminated Point
Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz and Rutilated Quartz are all stones known for cleansing and transmuting negative energy. Goethite and Cacoxenite, on the other hand, help you to elevate your journey to the next level by opening your eyes to new perspectives and generating fresh ideas. Through the purification process, Super Seven Double Terminated Points will align and bring harmony to your mental, physical and spiritual spaces.
Using a Super Seven Double Terminated Points allows you to access your full potential. In bringing you to a sacred and tranquil realm, super seven slabs will clear your mind of distracting thoughts or anxieties. It lifts the entire spiritual body, so that you can transcend even the darkest times. This healing stone is ideal for connecting to a solid, positive energy when it feels that the chaos of society is beginning to unnerve you. The stability that it brings both soothes and enlightens. It provides a new, fresh perspective that often results in hope for the future.