Black Obsidian Ghost
Black Obsidian, like all black crystals and stones, is a powerful protector, helping to deflect harmful wishes being sent your way and bouncing them back onto whomever sent them to you! Shield the energy of your home with black obsidian’s no-nonsense healing energy.Â
You can also use this Black Obsidian Ghost carving to help you go your own way, to help you release and cut away at the toxic behaviors you’ve allowed yourself to repeat in the past. By acknowledging your faults, you take the first step toward transformation. You cannot fix the problem that you don’t allow yourself to see. The Black Obsidian meaning is about seeing the negative so that you can transition to your most positive potential. Even when your work with a black obsidian ghost figurine leads you to a level of self-awareness you weren’t keen on discovering, keep pushing and developing healthier behaviors. You’ll soon find that the reflection you see in your black obsidian is more satisfying than it has ever been before.