Aegirine Crystal Cluster
Black stones are the most powerful protectors in the crystal world, and the hard-to-find Aegirine is no different. You may be thinking, “but I already have Black Tourmaline. Do I really need Aegirine too?” The answer is yes! Aegirine does things other black crystals can’t — find out why you need it in your life now!
Aegirine was discovered by Norwegian mineralogist Hans Morten Thrane Esmark in 1834, naming it after the Norse sea god, Ægir (Aegir), believed to personify the power of the ocean. This illustrates the almost palpable energy that Aegirine emits! This incredible crystal has a blade-like energy that cuts away anything keeping you in this dark place to immediately elevate your state + help you heal. If you’re stuck in a mental doom loop, or feel as if you have a ghost, entity or dark energy attached to you, let the powerfully protective and light-bringing Aegirine raise your frequency and banish the darkness away.